Literacy for early years
KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 worksheets)
KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 worksheets)
Activity 1 - Write a sentence for each picture including the spoken words and correct punctuation.
Extension - Write sentences with speech using the words provided.
Activity 2 - Place speech marks and punctuation correctly in each sentence.
Extension - Write sentences with speech using the words provided.
Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Synonyms (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Synonyms (2 versions)
Version 1:
Main activity - use the most appropriate synonym from the speech bubbles to complete the sentences.
Challenge - write a sentence for each of the synonyms given for the word ‘said’.
Version 2 (easier):
Main activity - use the most appropriate synonym from the speech bubbles to complete the sentences.
Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Christmas Punctuation (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Christmas Punctuation (2 versions)
Version 1:
Activity - copy both paragraphs filling in the missing capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes and speech marks.
Version 2 (easier):
Activity - copy each sentence filling in the missing capital letters, full stops, question marks and speech marks.
Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Homophones - There/Their/They're (2 worksheets)
KS2 Worksheet - Homophones - There/Their/They’re (2 worksheets)
Activity 1 - Define the homophones there, their and they’re. Fill in the missing homophone in each sentence.
Activity 2 - Read through the passage identifying the homophones there, their and they’re. Re-write the passage changing the spelling of each homophone to the correct form.
Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Verbs Tenses (2 worksheets)
KS2 Worksheet - Verbs Tenses - Past, Present and Future (2 worksheets)
Activity 1 - choose whether the sentences are written in the
past, present or future tense.
Activity 2 - choose four of the verbs and write three sentences for each
one, 1 in the past tense, 1 in the present tense and 1 in the future tense. Complete the table provided filling in the past and future tenses of the verbs given.
Answers provided on the last page.
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 versions)
Version 1: Rewrite the sentences adding speech marks and full stops where they are needed.
Version 2 (easier): Take the words the character is saying from the sentence and write it in a speech bubble.
KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 1 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 1 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb.
Think of an instruction for the given imperative verb.
Complete speech bubbles.
Version 2 (easier):
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb. (words given)
Think of an instruction for the given imperative verb.
Complete speech bubbles. (only 1)
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 1 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 1 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section 1 - identify 5 common nouns, proper nouns, verbs and adjectives in the given passage
Section 2 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? ! . , )
Section 3 - copy the sentences and put in the missing speech marks and punctuation
Section 4 - choose their or there to complete the sentences
Section 5 - choose are, our or hour to complete the sentences
Version 2 (easier):
Section 1 - identify 4 nouns, verbs and adjectives in the given passage
Section 2 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? . )
Section 3 - copy the sentences and put in the missing speech marks and capital letters
Section 4 - choose their or there to complete the sentences
Section 5 - choose are, our or hour to complete the sentences
Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 2 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 2 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section A: write the contractions
Section B: use apostrophes for belonging to
Section C: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks)
Section D: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks and commas) and speech marks
Version 2 (easier):
Section A: write the contractions
Section B: use apostrophes for belonging to
Section C: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops and question marks)
Section D: write out sentences inserting the missing speech marks
Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Conjunctions (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Conjunctions (2 versions)
Version 1: choose the most appropriate conjunction and join the 2 sentences together. Table of conjunctions provided.
Version 2 (easier): fill in the missing conjunction in each sentence. Table of conjunctions provided.
Answers provided on the last page.
KS1 Worksheet - Past and Present Tense (2 worksheets)
KS1 Worksheet - Past and Present Tense (2 worksheets)
Version 1:
Match present tense to past tense.
Complete sentences with the correct verb tense
Version 2:
Change all the present tense verbs into the past tense
KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 2 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 2 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Choose the words that could be used as imperative verbs and write a sentence for each one.
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb.
Version 2 (easier):
Colour the words that could be used as imperative verbs.
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb.
KS1 - Reading Activities - All Because of Jackson (10 worksheets)
KS1 - Reading Activities - All Because of Jackson (10 worksheets)
Front Cover
Setting worksheet
Chapter 1 worksheet
Chapter 2 worksheet
Chapter 3 worksheet
Chapter 4 worksheet
Chapter 5 worksheet
Chapter 6 worksheet
Chapter 7 worksheet
Chapter 8 worksheet
Chapter 9 worksheet
KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Cool as a Cucumber (1 worksheet)
KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Cool as a Cucumber (1 worksheet)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Comic Strip Templates x3
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Comic Strip Templates x3
Version 1 - title box and 6 curved panels (boxes) portrait
Version 2 - title box and 6 straight panels (boxes) landscape
Version 2 - title box and 6 curved panels (boxes) landscape
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 2 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 2 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section 1 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? ! . , “” )
Section 2 - underline the nouns in the sentences
Section 3 - underline the verbs in the sentences
Section 4 - underline the adjectives in the sentences
Section 5 - underline the adverbs in the sentences
Section 6 - add apostophes to contractions and to show belonging to
Section 7 - change given words to plurals (adding s, es, remove f and add ves, remove y and add ies, words stay the same and spelling changes completely)
Section 8 - put 5 words in alphabetical order (using 1st and 2nd letters)
Version 2 (easier):
Section 1 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? . )
Section 2 - underline the nouns in the sentences
Section 3 - underline the verb in the sentences
Section 4 - underline the adjectives in the sentences
Section 5 - underline the adverbs in the sentences
Section 6 - add apostophes to show belonging to
Section 7 - change given words to plurals (adding s and es)
Section 8 - put 5 words in alphabetical order (using 1st letter)
Answers provided on the last page.
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Mystery and Suspense Writing Plan and checklist
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Mystery and Suspense Writing Plan and checklist
Mystery and Suspense Writing Plan: Description of a Creepy Tower
Checklist included.
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 1 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 1 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section A - insert correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops and exclamation marks)
Section B - insert punctuation and speech marks
Section C - insert correct punctuation/speech marks and fix spelling mistakes
Version 2 (easier):
Section A - insert correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops and question marks)
Section B - insert capital letters and speech marks
Section C - insert correct punctuation and fix spelling mistakes
Answers provided on the last page.
KS1/KS2 - Reading Activities - Lizzie Zipmouth (7 worksheets)
KS1/KS2 - Reading Activity - Lizzie Zipmouth (7 worksheets)
Chapter 1 worksheet
Chapter 2 worksheet
Chapter 3 worksheet
Chapter 4 worksheet
Chapter 5 worksheet
All Chapters worksheet
Writing a Playscript worksheet
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Spelling Journal (Tricky Words)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Spelling Journal (Tricky Words)
A record sheet for recording those tricky spelling words and ideas of how to remember it.
e.g. “heard” - letter h - you use your “ear” to hear sound - letter d